
“4대강 22조 원, 공사비의 비밀”

KBS에서 4대강에 관련된 내용이 났어요…참고 하시라고 올려 봅니다. 관련 동영상입니다. 출 처: 2012년 7월 31일 KBS ‘시사기획 창’ 이 링크를 클릭해 동영상을 봐주십시오. 총사업비 22조원이 들어간 4대강 사업이 완공을 눈앞에 두고 있다.그러나 공정거래 위원회에선 건설사들이 담합해 공사비를 부풀려 수주받았다고 … read more

“Korea rolls back decision to resume scientific whaling”: Korea Times, July 18th

Although containing some puzzling figures on whale numbers and claimed impacts on fisheries, this Korea Times/Yeonhap News article at least contains one decision that (if confirmed) can actually be celebrated by the conservation community: Great work by those who … read more

BirdLife: “Ramsar COP11 concludes on a high – but key wetlands still threatened”

“With Wetlands International and the East Asia-Australasia Flyway Partnership, BirdLife held a successful side event to highlight the rapid loss of tidal flats along the East Asia-Australasia Flyway, especially critical stopover sites for migratory waterbirds. This led to constructive dialogue … read more