Tag Archives: 2014

2014 Birdathon: Fundraising for Conservation

May 14, 2014
Jason Loghry, Birds Korea

Birdathon 2014

In a race to raise funds by seeing as many bird species as possible within 24 hours on foot (!), members of our Birds Korea community came together in the ROK and abroad. It was a new challenge to be only on foot, and many of the participants here in the ROK chose to do the race on islands – though one team celebrated the birds in central Seoul. With migration in full swing, some species counts were remarkable:

April 30: Team Hanns-Seidel Foundation Korea with 24 species
April 30 – May 1: Dr. Nial Moores with 142 species
May 1 – 2: Mr. Subhojit Chakladar with 75 species
May 3: Mr. Ed Keeble (UK), with 82 species
May 3 – 4: Team Blake (Mr. Patrick Blake & Ms. Melanie Proteau Blake) 78 species
May 4: Prof. Robin Newlin with 70 species
May 4: Team America (Mr. Bradlee Sulentic & Ms. Erika Wilson) with 72 species
May 4 – 5: Mr. Jason Loghry with 93 species
May 5 – 6: Team UBCK (University Birding Club of Korea: Mr. Ha Jung Moon, Ms. Hwang Haemin, & Mr. Kim Ohjin) with 83 species

Mugimaki-Flycatcher_RN-maleMugimaki Flycatcher Ficedula mugimaki, © Robin Newlin

Fundraising for Conservation

Birds Korea has been working on a report detailing changes in bird populations in the Republic of Korea since 2011 to present to decision-makers and to participants at this October’s intergovernmental Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) conference (see:http://biodiversity-l.iisd.org/events/cbd-cop-12/). If we prepare and present well, this conference should provide all of us with a unique opportunity to raise awareness about the need to conserve biodiversity in Korea and along the Flyway, and to help the nation move firmly towards genuinely sustainable development.

This year’s Birdathon will help fund production and publication of this report. So far, we have received pledges of about ₩2,000,000 won (thank you!). Some of these pledges have been received; many are still ‘on the way’. Please do send your donation – by May 16th if possible – to:

Kookmin Bank
Account Number 114001-04-033214
Account Name Cheon Hyun-Ae (Saemangeum)
Swift Code: CZNBKRSE

Thank you!