Bird Sightings

Geese in Siam-Ri, October 9, 2024

Happy to use part of the holiday for a short visit of Siam wetland and Hangang Estuary after a long long summer hiatus. Too many bicyclists in the more Southern part – the “pyongwha-nuri-gil”, a bicycle lane along the border area became really popular! And too much noise from North Korean sirens trying to cancel out South Korean music in the more Northern part. Anyway, it was good to see the geese returning, most of them still highly nervous and staying close to the river.

Not much else – a Green Sandpiper, Common Greenshanks, three Mandarin ducks, a single Blackfaced Spoonbill crossing over to the North (not sure if he had a permit, though!) and assorted smaller birds, among them a flock of unidentifiable (for me) thrushes being scared of by some shooting (I think additionally to the noise some military exercises were going on) and Black-faced Buntings.

You can see the full list of birds at:

Picture 1: Tundra Bean Goose Anser serrirostris (© Bernhard Seliger)
Picture 2: Harvest was far from over in the area. Geese remained close to Han river. (© Bernhard Seliger)
Picture 3: A mixed flock of Greater White-Fronted Geese Anser albifrons and Tundra Bean Geese Anser serrirostris (© Bernhard Seliger)
Picture 4: Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus (© Bernhard Seliger)

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