Bird Sightings

East Busan, April 8-9

Bird News from Jason Loghry and Nial Moores April 8th (Loghry & Moores) An early, cool, rainy morning provided for minimal disturbance during the first portion of our walk. The songs of Pale Thrushes echoed through a wet forest. 5 … read more

Suncheon Bay, March 13

Bird News from Dominic Le Croissette, Kim In-Cheol, Jason P Loghry and Mike Friel An unseasonably warm (17C), sunny and breezy day at Suncheon. After meeting Kim In-Cheol at the very crowded visitor center (which apparently enjoys up to 6,000 … read more

Shiwha, February 4

…enjoyable sights today were e.g. 3 White-tailed Eagle, an Upland Buzzard, 13 Whooper Swan, a handful of Common & Pallas’s Reed Bunting, and a flock of 52 (predominantly Naummann’s) Dusky Thrushes…. read more