Seoul Area, February 28

Bird News from Robin Newlin and Andreas Kim

AK and I first stopped by Paldang, hoping for Steller’s Sea Eagle. We saw none, but found solace in at least 4 White-tailed Sea Eagles, one very handsomely flecked white on the shoulders, and some variety (but rather small numbers) of waterfowl: Goldeneye, Spot-billed Duck, Common Merganser, Bean Goose, Whooper Swans, Tufted Duck, Pochard and Common Teal. Also small numbers of Little and Great Crested Grebes, at least 50 Great Cormorants, a Common Buzzard. We heard Long-tailed and Marsh Tits and saw a Japanese Wagtail.
Next stop (after much stop and go traffic) was the Oksu-Eungbong stretch of the Han river, along the stream. Highlights were (again, small numbers overall) Mandarin Ducks (7), Tufted Ducks, Common Pochards, Pintails, Shovelers and Spot-billed Ducks

shovels AP9F9256.
Shovelers Anas Clypeata ©Robin Newlin
Light snow flurries shortly after we arrived quickly turned into heavy precipitation–accompanied by thunder(!). We beat a cautious retreat.

Snow, gulls and waterfowl ©Andreas Kim

smaller mandarins AP9F9406
Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata ©Robin Newlin

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