Tag Archives: Swan goose

East Coast of Jeju Island, Feb 28 and Mar 3

February 28th

A trip to Hado Wetland on the east coast of Jeju. Nearly perfect weather for birdwatching, clear skies, very little wind, and slightly warm temperature for late winter. There were lots of Pallas’ Reed Bunting, with a surprise Rustic mixed in, and some Black-faced and one Masked Bunting. A Greater Spotted Eagle put on a great show, first dealing with an Osprey, and then soaring overhead for a good while, clearly visible.

Pallas’s Reed Bunting (Emberiza pallasi 북방검은머리쑥새), a group of them were feeding on the reeds, along with one Rustic Bunting mixed in. © Leslie Hurteau
Greater Spotted Eagle (Clanga clanga 항라머리검독수리), a regular Jeju winter visitor on the east coast. Not always easy to find, however. © Leslie Hurteau

The biggest highlight was a Siberian Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita tristis) feeding in the pines. Apparently this is the second record for Jeju, the first being ten years ago (Feb 2013!). It was confusing at first, but the black legs and small black bill, bright underparts, and faint supercilum and wing bar seem to fit the ID.

Siberian Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita tristis 검은다리솔새). This was one of the most surprising finds for me late winter in 2023, seen in some pines in Hado wetland. Note the black legs and bill, and pale colouration. © Leslie Hurteau
Siberian Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita tristis 검은다리솔새) Another view of the Chiffchaff, albeit slightly out of focus (oops). © Leslie Hurteau

Otherwise plenty of overwintering ducks, and one Swan Goose still present. Maybe about 20 Black-faced Spoonbills as well, some in breeding plumage.

Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra 물닭) A regular bird of Korean wetlands, although perhaps not always in these large numbers outside of winter. © Leslie Hurteau
Swan Goose (Anser cygnoides 개리) resting on the shores of Hado wetland. This individual is likely the same one that has been overwintering in the east coast of Jeju this year. © Leslie Hurteau

The eBird checklist can be found here: Hado-ri Wetland.

March 3rd

A trip to Gwangchigi Beach and the northeast edges of Seongsan wetlands. Gwangchigi beach is a great place in winter for gulls, loons, cormorants, and grebes. It’s a very reliable spot for large rafts of Great Crested Grebes, and March 3rd was no exception. No loons spotted from the beach on this visit but on previous visits species such as Arctic and Red-throated have been spotted by myself, with records of other species. Some of the first Barn Swallows of the year were spotted, about a week after my first one of the year in the southwest of the island. Gulls were still present, mainly Vega and Black-tailed, with some Taimyr and Slaty-backed mixed in.

Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus 뿔논병아리) Large rafts like these are common on the south shores of Jeju in winter time. Often times other grebe species can be found mixed in. © Leslie Hurteau
Vega Gull (Larus vegae 재갈매기), one of the most common types of gulls on Jeju, right after Black-tailed Gull. © Leslie Hurteau

The edge of the wetland was fairly quiet, with not many birds present aside from a Common Goldeneye, cormorants, and various gulls. In nearby Seongsan harbour, a last minute surprise pair of Arctic Loons were found to be quite close allowing for very nice views.

The eBird checklists can be found here: Gwangchigi Beach, Seongsan Wetlands, and Seongsan Port.

Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica 제비), one of the personal firsts of the year. While there were maybe 5 or 6 seen on this day, as of writing this article up in mid-March, they have begun showing up in larger numbers. © Leslie Hurteau
A pair of Arctic Loon (Gavia arctica 큰회색머리아비), the area around Seongsan is usually a good spot to find various types of loons in winter. © Leslie Hurteau