Bird News from Tim Edelsten
The wintering pair of Steller’s Sea Eagles put on quite a spectacle today, chasing eachother and calling loudly (bizarre, electric “herk-herk-herk”) over the mountainside. I suspect they may possibly roost up there overnight, because I’ve also seen them flying up to it at dusk before. One of them is actually missing a foot, although otherwise looks quite healthy and chubby.
Otherwise seen e.g. 27 Whooper Swan, a Long-billed Plover, Common Sandpiper, 2 Rustic Bunting, a Eurasian Kestrel and all the usual waterbirds.

Steller’s Sea Eagle Haliaeetus pelagicus. Photos © Tim Edelsten
Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus. Photo © Tim Edelsten