Bird News from Subhojit Chakladar
A short weekend trip to check out the status of the spring migration. All observations confined to the southern section of the island around the main village. Birds of note are as follows:
1. Streaked Shearwater – A single individual observed at a distance between Hatae and Gageo Island.
2. Japanese Bush Warbler – Multiple individuals in almost every area surveyed. Very vocal.
3. Arctic Loon – A total of 6 birds with 5 of them in the main harbor. 2 dead birds were also observed near the ‘mossy slab’.
4. White Wagtail – About 40 birds, concentrated in the garbage dump and the quarry.
5. Red-billed Starling – 3 birds near the garbage dump.
6. Japanese Waxwing – 3 birds well seen on the first day near the ‘pass’. Seen flying out from the quarry on the next morning towards east.
7. Red-throated Pipit – 2 individuals observed in the quarry towards the end of first day.
8. White-cheeked Starling – 2 birds seen coming off the sea from south at dusk.
9. Kentish Plover – A single individual arrived at the end of day 1 and was observed on both days feeding around the ‘mossy slab’.
10. Barn Swallow – About 6 birds observed near the ‘pass’ on day 1 and then seen to descend towards the main village later on.
11. Hoopoe – Single individual observed in a vegetable garden on day 2.
12. Little Bunting – About 8~10 birds observed in the quarry in the morning of day 2.
13. Eurasian Skylark – 5 birds feeding near the quarry.
14. Black Woodpigeon – Single individual seen in flight near the ‘pass’ on day 2.
15. Black-necked Grebe – 2 individuals in the harbor, including one in full breeding plumage