
First Notice: Birdathon 2015

Birds Korea’s Fifth Birdathon will be held this year between Saturday, the 2nd of May and Sunday, the 10th of May. Timed to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (on May 9th-10th), we aim to raise funds towards publishing the Korean-language … read more

Gwangju Birds Korea Outing

Event News from Patrick Blake and Professor Maria Lisak: The Gwangju Birds Korea chapter is hosting an outing to Haenam county on December 7, 2014. The outing is expected to last from 8AM to 8PM, starting from the U+ Square … read more

Busan Climate Action Film Festival

By Julian Warmington 새로운 영화축제를 위한 어린이 번역가들의 손길 부산에서 시작되는 새로운 영화축제인 “부산기후변화대책 영화제”가 11월 1일 토요일부터 개최한다. ‘고기의 진실(Meat the Truth)’, ‘빙하를 쫓아서(Chasing Ice)’, ‘소에 관한 음모(Cowspiracy)’, 이 세 편의 영화를 지역민들의 편의를 위해 부산대학교 일대, 경성대학교 일대, … read more

How can we all help to conserve Avian Biodiversity?

Next month, the Republic of Korea will host the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) conference in Gangwon Province.

As part of preparation for this conference, and with the generous support of K-Water, Birds Korea will conduct an education program in the Nakdong Estuary on Saturday 27th September.

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Spoon-billed Sandpiper Survey

As part of Birds Korea role as Spoon-billed Sandpiper NGO Task Force member, survey of the Nakdong Estuary will be conducted by Birds Koreans in late September, and in the Geum Estuary (as tentatively proposed) on Sunday 28th September. Please … read more