Bird News from Tim Edelsten, Dominic Le Croisette & Jason P Loghry
Massive habitat loss is underway throughout the Haenam area unfortunately, with new construction rapidly replacing the natural wetland.
On the lake itself, 1000+ Great Crested Grebe, 8 Whooper Swan, and a good number of Coot: in nearby trees, 2 Japanese White-eye seemed noteworthy.
Finally in late afternoon, concentrated in an area of reedswamp, a Greater Spotted Eagle, 2 Northern Goshawk, 2 Cinereous Vulture, 1 Upland Buzzard, 2 Peregrine, 17 Hooded Crane, and unusually soaring high, two Hen Harrier males. Overall numbers of Bean and Greater White-fronted Geese seemed rather low.
The traditional Black Stork wintering lake further north was entirely frozen and disappointingly birdless however.