Hado-ri Reservoir is a well known birdwatching hotspot on the northeast end of Jeju Island, known to host a wide array of bird species year round. I made the trip to Hado-ri on a nice sunny winter afternoon during a visit to Jeju Island in late December. Despite some closures due to Avian Influenza, many areas were still accessible allowing nice views of the reservoir.

An Upland Buzzard was spotted along the roads surrounding the reservoir, as well as an overhead flyby of a group of ~30 Red Crossbills.

The reservoir itself had the usual assortment of Korean wintering waterfowl: Common Shelduck, Northern Shoveler, Gadwall, Eurasian Wigeon, Spot-billed Duck, Mallards, Northern Pintails, Green-winged Teal, Common Pochard, and Tufted Duck. One individual appeared to be a possible Spot-billed x Mallard hybrid.

Two Osprey were present, one resting on a log in the lake and another diving around occasionally. While walking down some of the trails, a group of Yellow-bellied Tits passed by and a single White’s Thrush was perched on a log. Along the southwestern part of the reservoir were spoonbills, egrets (great and little), herons, and plenty of cormorants lined up.

On the northeast end of the reservoir was a rather confiding Eastern Water Rail, digging around by some coots and ducks. The size difference was quite noticeable when the rail was next to coots and ducks.

While watching the sunset from the beach, a single Kentish Plover was seen resting on the shore. An overall birdy afternoon trip, with a total of 43 species seen and / or heard.