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Podcast interview: TN92 Nial Moores of Birds Korea on the Yellow Sea and Minke Whales

Talking Naturally Podcast TN92:

“A conversation with Nial Moores, Director of Birds Korea, about waterbirds and the IUCN’s recently released report titled “IUCN situation analysis on East and Southeast Asian intertidal habitats, with particular reference to the Yellow Sea (including the Bohai Sea)”. We also discuss the Republic of Korea’s rather unfortunate announcement at the International Whaling Commission’s meeting in Panama City on the 4th of July that it would resume hunting of Minke Whales.”

The podcast can be listened to on the Talking Naturally website at http://www.talking-naturally.co.uk/tn92-nial-moores-of-birds-korea-on-the-yelllow-sea-and-minke-whales/