Tag Archives: Golden Plover

Gageo Island, April 25-30

Bird News from Nial Moores

Rather more of the same (with no additional species to compare with the male Fujian Verditer on Weiyeon found on 25th), with instead between 65 and 97 species recorded each day. Among these, highlights included probably both Siberian Chiffchaff remaining through until April 28th, and two Asiatic Verditer Flycatcher together on 26th – with at least one of these remaining through until month’s end, even singing occasionally. In addition to the regular scarce spring migrants (including Citrine Wagtail, with 3-4 recorded during the past two weeks), there were wonderfully good views – though no images – of a menzbieri Pechora Pipit and a peak of 3 White-breasted Waterhen, both on 26th. Other species of interest included 1-2 White-shouldered Starling, a longish-winged presumed Pacific Golden Plover (April 26th-28th) (of which perhaps more in a separate post), a Pied Harrier on April 29th, and on April 30th in 1-Gu and 2-Gu a total of 59 Narcissus Flycatcher (none as yellow-washed below as the odd individual disgiscoped on 25th) and two adult male Black Paradise Flycatcher together, watched at close range towards dusk.

Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola. Image © Nial Moores

Black Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata. Image © Nial Moores

Black Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata. Image © Nial Moores

Narcissus Flycatcher-type, showing yellow eye-ring, whiteish wing-bars, and strong yellowish wash to the underparts. © Nial Moores

Pacific Golden Plover-type, showing apparently long primary projection. Image © Nial Moores

Verditer Flycatcher Eumyias thalassinus. Image © Nial Moores