Tag Archives: Birds Club

BIRDS Club: New Semester

Jason Loghry, Sept 1

Today marks the end of summer vacation for us at Obang Elementary. A new season is upon us, which means a new chance for us to see birds that we missed in the spring or birds we couldn’t see during the summer. Our BIRDS club will resume classes in the next couple of weeks, and we’re all very excited because this semester we will not only be observing new birds around our school, but we also have plans for a field trip away from campus.

Along with field activities, we will also be working on projects in-class. Before summer vacation, each BIRDS club student chose a different species that is found around our campus during the breeding season. Together, we will design a new poster with drawings and information about these “summer” birds. Students want to share this poster with the younger generations at our school and with fellow Birds Koreans, to encourage them to take a closer look at the nature around them.

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Are you a teacher interested in a program like this? Would your school or club like to connect with us through Birds Korea? Obang Elementary is a UNESCO associated school. It’s a priority for us to educate our students on issues related to UNESCO’s “overarching goal of promoting peace and international understanding”. Mainstreaming biodiversity into learning is also one of UNESCO’s priorities, which is one the purposes of our BIRDS club and a task that we at Birds Korea would like to help facilitate. We want to take what we are learning and exchange with other schools or clubs on our flyway, and try to bridge a better understanding of how our ecosystems are connected. We hope you can connect with us.

Finally, we would also like to welcome any of our Birds Korea members (especially some of our local bird experts and enthusiasts!) to join us for a class this fall. It would be great for our students to meet others who are inspired by nature.

If you or your school is interested in connecting with us, please email me at jason.loghry@birdskorea.org.