Posted by Maria Lisak, June 27, 2013
Saturday, June 22nd’s GIC Talk at Gwangju International Center was a huge success. Dr. Nial Moores shared a presentation called “Visible Connections,” a riff on the trilingual photo book titled “Invisible Connections” by Jan van de Kam (Wetlands International; Korean translation by Birds Korea’s Ms. Kim Sona) with an audience of 50 Koreans and ex-pats from the Gwangju and Jeollanamdo community.
Images © Le Hoa Nguyen (GIC Talks) / Andreas Kim (Birds Korea)
The presentation introduced how birds help us to be more aware of our shared home, Earth. Packed with research, stats and emotion, Dr. Moores offered a perfectly-pitched presentation for the family-like community at GIC encouraging them to become more interested in conservation and birds. So moved were the general audience members that the Q&A portion of the Talk had double the number of questions submitted and four times the attendance in the GIC Talk Discussion Group after his presentation. There was even a sighting of the elusive Birds Korea member, Professor Sung Ha-Cheol of Chonnam National University’s Biology Department. Usually popping about the southern part of Korea recording birds and their sounds, Professor Sung joined the presentation bringing his graduate students with him.
Missed it? No worries. You can see the video of the GIC Talk here.
You can also read a summary of the presentation at Gwangju News Online.
In addition to Dr. Moores presentation, a few Birds Korea members met to discuss ways to develop Gwangju into a small hub of Birds Korea activism and activities. It was Ms. Meena Park’s first visit to GIC; she as the General Secretary and Dr. Gyonggu Shin, Executive Director of GIC, were able to talk about ways that Birds Korea and GIC can support each other. Opportunities of support discussed included regular bi-annual talks in the GIC Talk Series by Birds Korea members, a regular column in Gwangju News about conservation written by a Birds Korea member and based on an environmental issue in Gwangju, regular discussion groups hosted by GIC about birds and conservation, and a cross-promotional link on the organizations’ websites. A Facebook Group has been created to help foster Gwangju Birds Korea members into attending regular discussions, host fundraisers and plan outdoor activities in the region.
Birds Korea members from Busan (Ms. Meena Park; Dr. Nial Moores; Mr. Jason Loghry), Mokpo (Mr. Andreas Kim), Hwasun (Mr. Paul Mossine) and Gwangju (Prof. Maria Lisak, Prof SiYoung Park) also attended a morning meeting, a luncheon with Dr. Shin of GIC, and a festive dinner after the Talk at Gwangju’s ex-pat hang out: First Alleyway. It was a wonderful chance to spend some formal time planning and informal time getting to know each other.
Birds Korea discussed schedules for July and August filming for the Spoon-billed Sandpiper mini-documentary. Also, a discussion about reviving the Members Update, a newsletter of bird sightings and conservation issues. Other discussions and decisions focused on collaboration possibilities between Birds Korea and Gwangju International Center.
- Please check the Birds Korea Blog for upcoming events.
- If in Gwangju and a Birds Korea member, please join our Facebook group to connect & explore birds and conservation in Gwangju and Jeollanamdo.
- Don’t forget to renew your Birds Korea membership!
- If you ever find yourself in Gwangju, stop by GIC and say “Hi!”