Bird News from Jason Loghry
This morning at Taejongdae, the sky was clear but the wind was strong and gusty. Nonetheless, a very birdy day was had starting with great views of two personata Black-faced Buntings. Shortly after, in the park near a stream, I stumbled upon a stunning Japanese Robin. I was then surrounded by a sound-scape of “”thrushiness” with several foraging White’s Thrush (8), Grey Thrush (15), Grey-backed Thrush (2), Dusky Thrush (5), and Pale Thrush (43 for the day). Blue and White Flycatcher (5) and Red-flanked Bluetail (6) were also found in the wooded area, as were Eastern Crowned Warbler (7), and Olive-backed Pipit.
At midday, a massive thunderstorm moved through. Just before the heavy downpour, I found a Eurasian Hoopoe feeding on the lawn. After the rain, many of the same thrushes were out foraging again. The highlight of the afternoon were three Japanese Robin along the same stream, calling and singing. Other post-storm highlights include Yellow-browed Warbler (2), Stejneger’s Stonechat (1), Tristram’s Bunting (2), a few more Black-faced Buntings (5), and a Striated Heron (1).

Grey Thrush Turdus cardis, Photo © Jason Loghry