Bird News from Nial Moores
A quick late afternoon visit to Igidae in fair weather (long sunny periods, with Beaufort 3 westerly winds and a maximum temperature of c.14C) was surprisingly bird-rich. Although there was no time to check several of the best spots, highlights included two Japanese Robin, one male Siberian Blue Robin, 5+ Asian Stubtail, a singleEastern Crowned Warbler, 85 Red-flanked Bluetail (counted), 3+ Stejneger’s Stonchat, c. 100 Pale and 20Dusky Thrushes, 5+ Grey-backed, 3 White’s and two male Grey Thrushes, a Light-vented Bulbul (heard only), 2+ Eurasian Bullfinch, and overhead single Asian House Martin and Red-rumped Swallow (both personal firsts for the year) in with c. 10 Barn Swallow.

Japanese Robin Erithacus akahige, Photo © Nial Moores