Birds news from Subhojit Chakladar and Bradlee Sulentic
Bitterly cold (~-20) at dawn with skies clearing after a short spell of snow. The Arboretum was cloaked in snow and most of the stream was frozen. Thankfully, the lack of wind made it possible to get out of the car and look for birds. At the entrance about 15 Eurasian Bullfinches but for most parts rather disappointing otherwise for the first hour. Then suddenly 5 Solitary Snipes (first located by BS) in one of the unfrozen part of the stream provided some amazing views. Shortly afterwards, a pair of Hawfinches were seen fighting, providing some nice photo opportunities. Birds were very few in number (probably due to the cold) but at the stream a Common Kingfisher and a Grey Heron were spotted by BS. Other birds of note were Eurasian Nuthatch, Marsh Tits and Varied Tits. Towards the end, SC came across a group of Pallas’s Rosefinches. The birds were very approachable and yielded some satisfying photographs.