Tim Edelsten, Korea Times November 7
The capital is awash with advertisements promoting wind energy, framed in the predictable idyllic depictions of rolling green hills, trees and sunshine. Certainly wind power may have an important part to play in the fight against climate change, but what developers never mention are its adverse environmental impacts.
Having recently extinguished biodiversity from the nations waterways via the four rivers “refurbishment” project, it appears the Korean Green Growth Policy is poised to sterilize the skies as well, by the erection of these giant eagle killers- their massive rotating arms delivering a knockout blow to the country’s avifauna.
It is for these reasons that the Millenium Development Goals, and other conservation conventions aim to help Korea avoid irreparable mistakes and promote genuinely sustainable development. With the right strategy and planning safeguards, renewable energy targets can be met without significant detrimental effects on biodiversity or natural habitats.
(Minor changes to original title and paragraphs inserted by subeditor).
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