Bird News from Nial Moores
A few hours in the field (well, woodland!) in Igidae found high numbers of several widespread species and a few especially notable ones. Most numerous were Vinous-throated Parrotbill, with two flocks of 100, one of which led a bird-wave that also included 40+ Eastern Great, five Marsh, 10 Coal and 10 Varied Tits, 20 Long-tailed Tit, two Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker and two “Arctic Warbler” (sensu lato). In the same flock, rarest of all in the ROK context was a single Yellow-bellied Tit (approximately only the third Busan record). Also present were two or more confiding White-backed Woodpecker, single Narcissus Flycatcher (heard only), Mugimaki and Yellow-browed Warbler. Finally, in more open ground near SK View, the Long-tailed Shrike was still present, and actively seeing off a Bull-headed Shrike.