Bird News from Nial Moores
April 19, Eocheong Island
Sunny with some spring haze and a lot milder than the 18th. Still a couple of hundred Dusky Thrush on the island, and a few good highlights including a (hyperactive!) Pied Wheatear that fly-chased and hovered its way across the quarry in double-time, and a male Red-throated Thrush. Other species of interest also included two Kentish Plover and the Mandarin Duck and Red-necked Grebe still. However, almost no warblers still and to date only two sightings of single Blue-and-White Flycatcher…

Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata. Photo © Nial Moores/Birds Korea
Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka. Photo © Nial Moores/Birds Korea
Red-throated Thrush Turdus ruficollis. Photo © Nial Moores/Birds Korea
April 18, Eocheong Island
With occasional spells of rain and a strong (and cold) northwesterly wind, the first decent arrival of the spring, with just over 1000 birds of 65 species logged. Most numerous were Dusky Thrush (295, mostly counted coming in high from the southwest) and Brambling (260), with other species of note including the personal first Eyebrowed Thrush and Yellow-browed Warbler of the spring and 4 Eurasian Wryneck.
April 17, Eocheong Island
Very bird-poor, with a total of only 259 birds of 52 species – birds of the day included a couple of Chinese Penduline Tit and the first Japanese Bush Warbler this week (apparently it’s a migrant here and not sedentary) were not quite enough to compensate for all the construction noise and garbage…