Bird News by Matt Poll with Trenton Sheridan
Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus. Photo © Matt Poll.
Taking advantage of some mild weather and a day off, I drove up to the northwest corner of Geoje Island. In Hacheong Harbour there were about 60 Red-breasted Merganser, along with a similar number of Spot-billed Ducks, but little in the way of gulls. At a nearby reservoir, a smaller number of Red-breasted Mergansers, and maybe 20 Smew. I was surprised to find 11 Cinereous Vultures circling over a small village. An hour later, I was at the top of a small mountain overlooking Gohyeon harbour with a friend when another eight (perhaps the same group from earlier) vultures passed by close overhead – an awesome sight! Aside from today, I’ve only seen a lone Cinereous Vulture over Gohyeon, this one in early January.