Winterbirds in Incheon

Dr. Bernhard Seliger (Hanns-Seidel-Foundation/ Birds Korea) with Sophie Loettel

Raising the awareness for birds and their habitats is a very important task to increase understanding for the protection of birds, and here in Korea particularly their habitats, which are often under threat of development, to foster a new generation of people caring for environment, and maybe even some new young ornithologists. With this in mind, we had a pleasant day with a group of students and teachers of Deutsche Schule Seoul International in Gojan Tidal Flat and Namdong Reservoir. Two White-tailed Eagles, Eurasian Spoonbills and curlews were of particular interest for the students. All of them, as part of their efforts, filled in their own e-bird list.

A complete list can be found here:

Eurasian Curlew Numenius Arquata (© Bernhard Seliger)
White-tailed Eagle Haliaaetus albicilla. Two of them were sitting on the tidal flat (© Bernhard Seliger)
Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea Leucorodia (© Bernhard Seliger)
Namdong reservoir, where in spring Black-faced Spoonbills nest and in winter geese and ducks roost (© Bernhard Seliger)
Looking at birds and incredibly high building… (© Sophie Loettel)
Deutsche Schule Seoul International goes bird-watching! (© Sophie Loettel)

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