Bird news from Subhojit Chakladar
A short trip post Chuseok holidays. Weather was clear and sunny on 24th and cloudy on the remaining 2 days.
September 24th
Ferry ride over calm seas with limited outside access produced only a handful of Streaked Shearwater and just outside of Socheong, a flock of ducks flying alongside the boat – mostly Common Pochard with a few Northern Shoveler mixed in. Evidence of very few birds, especially in the heat of mid day. Later in the afternoon, highlight was an Oriental Stork (with leg band marked H37) at the wetlands and an Eastern Marsh Harrier. There was also a few Crested Honey Buzzard circling overhead.

Checklist for the day can be found here.
September 25th
Starting early at the observatory near the harbor, a steady passage of birds overhead. Most common were Olive-backed Pipit, followed by Chinese Grosbeak, Red-throated Pipit, a few Richard’s Pipit and an unidentified species of bunting. There were also 3 flocks of Chestnut-flanked White-eye. The highlight of the day was a single flock of Crested Honey Buzzard numbering about 300 over the “Harrier Fields” at around 9:30am. In all about 450 birds were observed, mostly before 11:30. A Chinese Grey Shrike was seen in the fields in the north eastern part of the island. Quite a few Amur Falcon were also seen along with a Pied Harrier.
Checklist for the day can be found here.

September 26th
Very few birds today. Overhead, a steady stream of Crested Honey Buzzard with a Japanese Sparrowhawk. 2 Sand Martin mixed in a flock of Barn Swallow and Red-rumped Swallow. From the return ferry about 200 Streaked Shearwater.

Checklist for the day can be found here.