Bird news from Subhojit Chakladar
A return trip to Yubudo after 2 weeks to an increased number of birds. We spent about 3.5hrs starting from mid-day waiting for the high tide scheduled to peak at around 2. Even though there were good number of birds, the heat wave made it difficult to observe properly.
We were greeted by calls of Far-Eastern Oystercatcher as we walked in. Dunlin was the most common species. Counting in groups of 100, I estimated somewhere between 40 and 60 thousand individuals. A majority of them were in breeding plumage. Great Knot and Grey Plover were also present in good numbers though the count of Great Knot seemed to be reduced compared to 2 weeks ago. There was an influx of Ruddy Turnstone and Lesser Sand Plover which were present in very low numbers 2 weeks back. The numbers of Red-necked Stint has also had a significant increase. Saunder’s Gull and particularly Little Tern were very active as the day proceeded. The crowds of Eurasian Curlew and Far-Eastern Curlew were now joined by Whimbrel. The Bar-tailed Godwit had assumed deeper breeding colors making them stand out among other species. Birds present in larger numbers compared to 2 weeks back also included Grey-tailed Tattler, Terek Sandpiper, Common Greenshank, Pacific Golden Plover, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Red Knot. We also observed quite a few Kentish Plover, a few Sanderling, Long-toed Stint, 2 Black-faced Spoonbill and a single Broad-billed Sandpiper.
One of the Bar-tailed Godwit had a white flag indicating that it came from northern New Zealand

Thanks to Dr Soyoung Sung for coordinating the trip and bringing everyone together. Other members on this trip were Jiwone Lee, David Farr, Elizabeth Skakoon, Leslie Hurteau, Vivian Fu. Thanks to all for their wonderful company.