Birds Korea, April 27th, 2021
Birds Korea is an independent and non-political NGO. We always strive to support decision-makers, researchers, NGOs and local communities with best scientific information in support of the conservation of birds and their habitats.
The following are three letters of concern written by conservation scientists and shorebird experts, following our posting on March 22nd about a proposed hotel complex immediately adjacent to the Maehyangri Tidal Flats, Hwaseong Wetlands Flyway Network Site.
We are posting these letters here today as part of an awareness-raising effort and media campaign, conducted together with National KFEM, Gyeonggi KFEM and Hwaseong KFEM, in order that the expert opinions of independent conservation scientists and shorebird specialists can be understood and properly considered.
Birds-Korea_To-the-Honorable-Mayor-Seo-Cheol-Mo-converted EL_AWSG-Letter EL_-SAVE-UCBerkeley