Dr. Bernhard Seliger (Hanns-Seidel-Foundation Korea, Birds Korea)
One day and a morning of birding between a conference on Jeju-Do. Construction all around the island is going on, seemingly barely slowed by the Covid-19 crisis. Anyhow, the small streams leading down to the sea are still lovely, and so is Hado-ri wetland, in particular the backside. Ducks and raptors have already arrived for wintering , with hundreds of Coots, Eurasian Wigeon, Pintails, Mallards, Spot-billed Ducks, plus a few Common Pochards, Falcated Ducks, Little Grebes etc. No Tufted Ducks yet. Jeju-Do is lovely, all the time you come, but you have to search for the loveliness in mid the ongoing construction more and more, and in particular Jeju City seems to be sprawling like an unstoppable cancer into nature. Let us hope a good balance between needs of the citizens, the tourists and nature can be found in the future!