Hwaseong, May 23

Bird News from Robin Newlin with Jo Seong Sik and Im Kwan Wang

Remarkable news of a Greater Flamingo being discovered by Mr. Lim Bang-Hyun on May 21st had me and Mr. Jo out and looking on the 23rd. After some initial disappointment at the original sighting point, we found the bird at an extreme distance, then eventually drove to a closer vantage point. The young bird (2nd calendar year?) seemed congruously at home, associating loosely with several Falcated Ducks, a few Ruddy Shelducks, a few more Common Shelducks, various egrets (including 2 Chinese Egrets) and (wonderful to have them in the same frame) 9 Black-faced Spoonbills. The flamingo rested, broomed the shallows for food, stretched legs, neck and wings, and even (apparently) called a few times.bk greater flamingo AP9F2870

bk flamingo AP9F2853

Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus ©Robin Newlin

In the area we also found several Dollarbirds, 2 Eurasian Kestrels, and 2 Black-winged Stilts. Singing invisibly: Oriental Reed Warblers, Golden Orioles, and Indian and Eurasian Cuckoos.

bk bw stilt AP9F2907

Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus ©Robin Newlin

A return visit (!) that evening with Mr. Im found the flamingo still present. Also, in the distance, a small mixed flock of Dunlin, Far-Eastern Oystercatcher, Grey Plover and Great Knot.

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