Bird News from Jason Loghry
This Saturday I was able to spend a couple of hours in the late morning at Hwapo Wetland. Although only 32 species were recorded, there were certainly a few highlights. For this bird walk I recorded every bird heard and seen, and later submitted my records to eBird, for the Global Big Day. This was my first time to use eBird. Although many of the species names differ from those used and preferred in our checklist, eBird is quite simple to use and I hope more of our members to try it. Highlights include Chinese Pond Heron (1), Eurasian Hobby (1), Common Cuckoo (2), singing Black-naped Oriole (3), singing Yellow-rumped Flycatcher (at least 4), Grey-headed Woodpecker (6), a Eurasian Hoopoe carrying food, and Oriental Reed Warbler (21). I wonder how many of these individuals are here to breed. I’ll be checking back on the flycatchers and Hoopoe for a later report.
Oriental Stork artificial nest, found along the footpath at Hwapo Wetland
Sign explaining details about Oriental Stork and a particular stork that was bred in captivity in Japan but later found at this wetland in March of 2014