Suncheon Bay, August 28

Latest Birds News with Mike Friel, Dominic Le Croissette, J P Loghry, & Kim In Cheol.

Heading out to Suncheon Bay is almost always an exciting adventure, especially with Mike Friel and Dom Le Croissette. Stopping in for a view from a tidal area, first thing we noticed an abundance of mudskippers, various crabs, and other benthos. We weren’t the only ones who noticed. The local fishers were hard at work, as were the waders.

Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus. Photo © J P Loghry


A Terek Sandpiper was the first bird heard and seen; then a Common Sandpiper. A Common Greenshank was also in close proximity. Intermediate and Little Egrets were in flight and a few were grouped together feeding on the tidal flat with another Greenshank and Terek. There were several shorebirds at a distance, but most too far to distinguish. A Pacific Golden Plover was spotted. A Whimbrel was feeding nearby. Ah, I could spend all day just marveling at so much going on.

But the clock was ticking and we had more to see. So we then headed to the park area, coming to a group of Terek Sandpipers feeding in a wetland along one of the many narrow country roads. We had to make a pit stop and observe.

Terek Sandpipers Xenus cinereus. Photo © Mike Friel

Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus. Photo © Mike Friel

Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa. Photo © Mike Friel

At the park, we hoped to possibly get closer views of waders from the boat that makes the hourly rounds. Unfortunately, the boat was docked up until after Chuseok, so we decided to take a stroll around. Perhaps because of the summertime heat, the park was unusually not as crowded. We ran into local expert, Kim In Cheol. Immediately he excitedly mentioned the sighting of a Black-winged Stilt nearby in the park. Together we walked up to find not one, but two Black-winged Stilts, along with a Black-tailed Godwit. Lovely surprise! We stayed and observed for a while. The reeds swayed with a pleasant breeze and a Common Kingfisher looking for lunch made an appearance as we watched the Stilts and Godwit.

Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis. Photo © J P Loghry

The afternoon rolled on and we made our rounds throughout the area, observing a Red-necked Stint, more Greenshanks, Green Sandpipers, Grey Herons, Great Egrets, Little Egrets, Black-crowned Night Heron and lots of spiders. Another excellent way to spend Sunday at Suncheon Bay.

Photo © Mike Friel

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