Bird News from Spike Millington
Despite the bustle of activity just two weeks ago, it seems that the shorebird migration at Gojan mudflats is over. Saturday evening revealed a grand total of 27 individual shorebirds on the rising tide: 3 Eastern Curlews, 23 Grey Plovers (all in dull, non-breeding plumage) and 1 Nordmann’s Greenshank (probably the same individual as two weeks ago). None were present on Sunday. Singles of Mallard and Eurasian Teal were the only waterfowl apart from the 200 or so Eastern Spot-billed Ducks. The regular patrolling Saunders’s Gulls included an apparent juvenile, in addition to several juvenile Black-tailed Gulls. A quick visit to Incheon Old Golf Course on Sunday also turned up no migrants, just regular displaying Dollarbirds, singing Grey-backed Thrushes, Black-naped Oriole and Common Cuckoo.