Bird News from Jason Loghry with Park Seonyeong
This evening, we enjoyed a short peaceful walk near the Nakdong as the sun set. As we were watching a Black Kite low-gliding across the sky, a Common Snipe (2) quickly flew past us and found a place to land near the water’s edge. This was a personal first for the season. A few Pallas’s Reed Bunting (4) seen in flight and we watched a couple more alongside Penduline Tit (3) in the reeds. Also in the reeds were Stejneger’s Stonechat (2) calling and Far Eastern Cisticola (1) singing.
At the park, there are two small bodies of water, which are sandy and not completely full of water. Usually, if there is not a lot of disturbance, we are able to find a few waterbirds. Today we found Eurasian Spoonbill (1),which has been observed there for at least 3 weeks. We also found Little-ringed Plover (2) and Gadwall (2), which have been observed there for at least 10 days now, and Eurasian Wigeon (3), which were seen last Saturday. Newcomers to the park include Wood Sandpiper (1) and a gorgeous Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (1). As our walk came to an end, we were excited to hear the song of an Oriental Reed Warbler (1), another personal first of the season and a reminder that summer is soon to come.