Monthly Archives: June 2022

Seminar on Bird Monitoring: Hongseong

Dr Nial Moores, Birds Korea / 새와 생명의 터, June 19th 2022

Starting the seminar: Dr Kim Su-Kyung

Thanks to an invitation from Dr Kim Su-Kyung, Senior Researcher at the Eco institute for Oriental Stork and a co-founder of Birds Korea / 새와 생명의 터, I was able to spend a highly enjoyable half-day in Hongseong County (Chungcheongnam Province) on June 18th, leading a seminar on bird monitoring for a wonderful local group.

The seminar was divided into two parts:  a powerpoint presentation, sharing some lessons from Birds Korea’s survey work and monitoring programs (paramount of which includes the need to work out how the data / information will be used, with a strong emphasis on considering local, national and international dimensions simultaneously), and some bird identification tips: structure, then contrast, then plumage and colour. This was followed by an hour and half looking at some birds and their habitats, focused on rice-fields and a nearby small, drought-impacted reservoir.  

Even in such a short time we were able to watch two pairs of Great Crested Grebe at the nest (a species with perhaps only 100 or so breeding pairs nationwide?) and a small post-breeding flock of Mandarin Duck; and to see the difference between some fields with cleared banks and others with egrets feeding voraciously on rice-field fish.

Hongdong Reservoir, Hongseong County

Clearly this area is of local importance; and likely of national importance too. And just as clearly, improved conservation of biodiversity in the ROK’s rice-fields and agricultural landscapes is essential both for the nation and for global conservation efforts. How else will species like the ROK-endemic hightly-threatened Yellow-bellied Tree Frog or the migratory White-naped Crane, Hooded Crane and Baikal Teal survive? How else can recovering populations of grey geese in East Asia be maintained?  How else can the globally Endangered Oriental Stork continue to reoccupy fragments of a once huge range?  

My thanks again to everybody for making the visit and seminar so enjoyable!

Spring Migration, Jeju Island May 2022

Bird news from Leslie Hurteau As May started, Spring migration was in full swing, with many interesting birds showing up on Jeju. Early May involved a weekend trip to nearby Chuja Island, which had a fair number of migrants, highlight … read more

새와 생명의 터, 연천 임진강 생물권보전지역 조사, 2022년 6월 초

나일 무어스, 백승광, 이수영, 장량 . 연천군과의 계약에 따라, 우리는 6월 2, 3, 4, 5, 7일 닷새 동안 연천 임진강 생물권보전지역에서 번식하는 조류와 그 밖의 다양한 생물을 조사하였고, 그 결과는 매우 생산적이었다. 약 12킬로미터의 (무척이나 아름다운) 산길을 걷고, 두 강줄기의 … read more

멀린(Merlin) 한국어판 개시-코넬대 조류학 연구소와 ‘새와 생명의 터’ 합작품

한반도의 조류와 서식지 보전에 전념하는 ‘새와 생명의 터’는 보전 활동의 일환으로 온라인 데이터베이스인 eBird 국내 데이터의 검증 책임을 맡아온 것에 이어, 최근에는 코넬대 조류학 연구소와 Dr. 나일 무어스(새와생명의터 대표)님의 기획으로 멀린(Merlin)한국어판 작업에 착수하였습니다. 원활한 한국어 번역을 위한 영문 향상, 문헌 … read more