Udo, Jeju Island, May 25

Bird News from Leslie Hurteau I took early morning trip to Udo on May 25th to see what spring birds could be found. Udo, translated as “Cow Island”, is a fair sized island off the east coast of Jeju, accessible … read more
Bird News from Leslie Hurteau I took early morning trip to Udo on May 25th to see what spring birds could be found. Udo, translated as “Cow Island”, is a fair sized island off the east coast of Jeju, accessible … read more
Bird News from Leslie Hurteau A particularly rainy but very enjoyable weekend was spent in Seogwipo in early May, the southern part of Jeju Island. The morning of May 6th was spent birdwatching in Cheonjiyeon waterfalls park, Saeseom Park, and … read more
Bird News by Leslie Hurteau (Birds Korea member and eBird Reviewer for Jeju) On March 5th, 2023, Thilinda Shiraj and I were birdwatching in Seogwipo Harbour area, on the south side of Jeju Island. While scanning through a group of … read more
February 28th A trip to Hado Wetland on the east coast of Jeju. Nearly perfect weather for birdwatching, clear skies, very little wind, and slightly warm temperature for late winter. There were lots of Pallas’ Reed Bunting, with a surprise … read more
Birds News by Leslie Hurteau, with additional commentary by Nial Moores On Sunday November 4th and Monday November 5th, some time was spent in the field birdwatching with Dr. Nial Moores, who was visiting Jeju Island for work related reasons. … read more
Over the weekend of November 26th to 27th, a Birds Korea event was held in the Yeoncheon Imjin River Biosphere Reserve in Gyeonggi-do, with generous support by Yeoncheon County. In attendance was representation from eBird, the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership, … read more
Bird news by Leslie Hurteau On June 10th, 2022, the Jeju Wildlife Research Center (제주야생동물연구센터) found a Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectens on Mara Island, the most southern point of the ROK. This species has never been recorded in the Republic … read more
Bird news from Leslie Hurteau As May started, Spring migration was in full swing, with many interesting birds showing up on Jeju. Early May involved a weekend trip to nearby Chuja Island, which had a fair number of migrants, highlight … read more
Bird news from Leslie Hurteau Spring migration started slowly in March down in Jeju Island, with waders showing up on coastal areas and in wetlands and reservoirs. Waders such as Spotted Redshank, Common Redshank, and Great Knots began to show … read more
Bird news from Leslie Hurteau A belated post on a fine day of birding on the east coast of Jeju Island on March 19th. The weather was rather stormy for most of the day, until clearing up a bit in … read more