연천 임진강 생물권보전지역: 흰목물떼새 조사 (3월 28일-4월 3일)

나일 무어스 탐조 소식 나일 무어스가 전하는 탐조 소식, 이수영, 박사과정생이자 ‘새와 생명의 터’ 인턴 박신영, ‘새와 생명의 터 연천’ 대표 백승광과 (그리고 4월 2일에는 미미 케슬러와 매트 투미 교수와) 함께. 모든 이미지의 저작권은 새와 생명의 터에 있습니다. 더 많은 … read more
나일 무어스 탐조 소식 나일 무어스가 전하는 탐조 소식, 이수영, 박사과정생이자 ‘새와 생명의 터’ 인턴 박신영, ‘새와 생명의 터 연천’ 대표 백승광과 (그리고 4월 2일에는 미미 케슬러와 매트 투미 교수와) 함께. 모든 이미지의 저작권은 새와 생명의 터에 있습니다. 더 많은 … read more
Dr. Bernhard Seliger, Dr. Hyun-Ah Choi (Birds Korea, Hanns Seidel Foundation), Minjae Baek (Hanns Seidel Foundation), Dr. Mimi Kessler, IUCN Bustard Group Leader, Eurasian Bustard Alliance, Co-Chair, Prof. Matthew Toomey, University of Tulsa (Arizona, USA) We used the occasion of … read more
Bird News from Dr Nial Moores with Ms. Lee Su-Young, PhD candidate/ Birds Korea Intern Park Shinyeong and Yeoncheon Birds Korea Director Baek Seung-Kwang (also with Dr Mimi Kessler and Prof. Matt Toomey on 2nd). All images copyright of Birds … read more
Dr. Bernhard Seliger (Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea, Birds Korea) This post is mostly about cranes – though, unfortunately, not those cranes now flying off to Northern breedings grounds, though I managed yesterday to see five late White-naped cranes as well … read more
As you know, for twenty (long!) years Birds Korea has been working for the conservation of birds and their habitats in Korea and the wider Yellow Sea Eco-region. We do this work because birds are wonderfully important in themselves, and … read more
Text and all images by (and copyright of) Nial Moores, Birds Korea A little under a week of late winter / early spring bird survey, conducted in generally cold and often very windy conditions as part of an intended increase … read more
With the development of the Namak New City (남악신도시) in the beginning of this millennium about 15 years ago the Namak Waterpark was opened. This park was built around lager patches of reed just along the bicycle track along the … read more
Dr. Bernhard Seliger, Hanns Seidel Foundation and Birds Korea In slightly raining condition, and without the possibility to enter the CCZ due to the ongoing military exercises and tense situation at the border, this survey started at Siam wetland. For … read more
Bird news by Leslie Hurteau. Some nice weather and calm winds inspired a short morning venture out to the far southeast tip of Jeju, Seopjikoji and nearby Shinyang Harbour. This area is generally fairly good for seawatching due to its … read more
Dr. Bernhard Seliger, Dr. Nial Moores, Minjae Baek From January 16-19, we conducted a seabird survey in Goseong, organized by Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea, conducted scientifically by Dr. Nial Moores and accompanied by Kim Eo-Jin, the most prolific Korean bird … read more