Igidae (Busan), April 24

Bird news from Nial Moores

Following rain through most of the 23rd until c. 4AM of the 24th, a full day in the field (6AM-6PM) at Igidae.  After heavy overcast and low cloud until 9AM, the weather started to clear rapidly to become warm (18C+) and  cloudless by midday, with winds mostly between south and west.


A total of 72 species were logged during the day, with several interesting records for Busan.  At SK shortly after dawn, highlights included a female Amur Falcon and single Intermediate and Eastern Cattle Egrets (all personal firsts for the year); single Richard’s and Red-throated Pipits (latter very scarce in Busan); at least four ocularis White Wagtail and two Eastern Yellow Wagtails; and a group of seven all brown whimbrel-type shorebirds offshore (presumably Little Whimbrel, though ID could not be clinched because of the conditions).  Still at SK, two hours of “viz-migging” between 0935 and 1135 then produced counts of 39 Grey-faced Buzzard, 93 Barn Swallow and an exceptional 49 Asian House Martin  (all going south), with one martin flock containing a Common House Martin (personal first ever on the mainland!).  Moving through the woodland during the afternoon numbers of most migrants appeared to be much lower than a week ago (e.g. only 15 Pale Thrush, three Asian Stubtail and six Red-flanked Bluetail counted). However, further species of note included two Oriental Cuckoo, a single Common Rosefinch (extremely scarce in the southeast), nine Blue-and-White and nine Narcissus Flycatchers (latter all males), three Grey-backed and two Grey Thrush and several Sakhalin / Pale-legged Leaf Warblers. Also of interest were two presumed Korean Hare (wild or feral?) – a taxon considered by the IUCN to be Least Concern but nonetheless seldom encountered.


Ashy Minivet Pericrocotus divaricatus, Photo © Nial Moores

Grey-backed Thrush Turdus hortulorum, Photo © Nial Moores

Grey-backed Thrush Turdus hortulorum, Photo © Nial Moores

Korean Hare Lepus coreanus (or L. timidus), Photo © Nial Moores

Narcissus Flycatcher Ficedula narcissina, Photo © Nial Moores

Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus, Photo © Nial Moores

Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus, Photo © Nial Moores

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