Bird News from Nial Moores, Mike Friel, Jason Loghry, and Matt Poll
It was a great day of birding with friends new and old, and close to 75 species seen. A frigid, windy dawn and several great species awaited us at the Nakdong River. A distant, shimmering scope view of two Steller’s Sea Eagles was a great way to start the day – their stocky and imposing presence was evident even at a distance. Also along this stretch were three White-tailed Sea Eagles, several Eurasian Curlew, a Eurasian Oystercatcher, and a healthy assemblage of gulls.
Closer to Dadaepo, a Light-vented Bulbul was spotted mixed in with a large flock of Brown-eared Bulbuls roiling through the treetops. This represents the first record of Light-vented Bulbul for the Busan area, more evidence of a species steadily colonizing the ROK. Dadaepo was fairly quiet, with several Eurasian Bullfinch and Pale Thrush in evidence.
At Junam, we quickly spotted nine Swan Geese, a great sight to watch as they broke through ice in the fields to feed. Also of note at Junam were nine White-naped Crane, five White-tailed Sea Eagles, and several rotund Brambling.
Swan Goose Anser cygnoides. Photo © Nial Moores.