by Jason Loghry
김해에 있는 아름다운 해반천에 생기는 변화들을 보는 것은 안타까운 일이다. 예전에 오염되었던 해반천을 정화시킨것이 충분하지 못한 것인가? 지난 몇년 동안 해반천에서 번식하는 쇠물닭과 개개비를 많이 볼 수 있었다. 이제는 해반천의 종들이 어디서 여름과 겨울을 날 수 있을까? 김해가 왜 이런 변화를 만드려고 하는지 나는 전혀 이해할 수가 없다. 이것이 과연 진정한 의미의 친환경적인 개발이라고 할 수 있을까?
It’s really unfortunate to see changes being made to one of our city’s prettiest streams, Haeban Cheon. This stream used to be polluted, but was cleaned up. Isn’t that enough? For many years, almost every summer I’ve lived here, I watched the beautiful Moorhen and always looked forward to the sound of so many Oriental Reed Warblers along the grassy and reedy banks of this stream. That was one of my favorite indications that summer had come. Now, I wonder where will these species go? How about the species that depend on this stream during winter? I don’t understand why the city of Gimhae would make such changes. Although I realize that this stream doesn’t compare to those internationally important wetlands such Saemangeum, or any of the four major rivers, it is just so hard to constantly see construction being made to every river, stream, or wetland that I pass. Is this an example of good development? Am I missing something? I certainly hope the entire stream isn’t destroyed.