Gageo Island, April 13 -16

Bird News from Jang Ji-Ung

April 16:
A Tree Pipit was observed when I was birding at Haneul Park.
It was with an Olive-backed Pipit and I was able to make a direct comparison, its supercilium was unclear, nearly absent ear coverts, with very narrow streaking on its flanks.
Also, the color was relatively murky, giving a dirty impression. Alongside this bird, Siberian Rubythroat, Grey Thrush, and Chinese Blackbird were also recorded at a nearby small pine forest.

April 15:
I climbed Doksil Mountain to Shinseon Peak from the early morning. I was around the areas of 2-Gu village and the beach-side road where villagers are raising their goats.
There were a relatively high number of birds, and they were easy to find. When I moved to 1-Gu, I found a Grey Bush Chat at the grassland of Haneul Park.
Following the news from Mr. Go Kyeong-Nam, who I met on the island, I found a Thick-billed Warbler, Chestnut-flanked White-eye, and Eurasian Wryneck on the same day.

April 14:
Although, I was mainly climbing a mountain… there were lots of Asian Stubtail and thrushes, with the Black Woodpigeon singing at various places.
A female Ashy Minivet was observed on a beach-side road from Shinseon-bong to Hangri Village and a Greater Short-toed Lark when I was going to Seomdeung Peninsula.

April 13:
About 20 Streaked Sheawater were observed from the ferry going to Heuksan island. I started birding right away upon arrival. Interestingly, Narcissus Flycatcher were seen very often.

Species list:

  1. Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus
  2. Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas
  3. Temminck’s Cormorant Phalacrocorax capillatus
  4. Great Egret Ardea modesta
  5. Little Egret Egretta garzetta
  6. Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax
  7. Grey-faced Buzzard Butastur indicus
  8. Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawk Accipiter gularis
  9. Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus
  10. Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus
  11. Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola
  12. Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris
  13. Vega Gull Larus vegae
  14. Mongolian Gull *Larus mongolicus
  15. Black Wood Pigeon Columba janthina
  16. Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis
  17. Pacific Swift Apus pacificus
  18. Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis
  19. Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla
  20. Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
  21. Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis
  22. Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea
  23. White Wagtail Motacilla alba ocularis
  24. Black-backed Wagtail Motacilla alba
  25. Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni
  26. Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus
  27. Buff-bellied Pipit Anthus rubescens
  28. Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis
  29. Ashy Minivet Pericrocotus divaricatus
  30. Brown-eared Bulbul Hypsipetes amaurotis
  31. Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis
  32. Siberian Rubythroat Calliope calliope
  33. Siberian Blue Robin Larvivora cyane
  34. Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus
  35. Stejneger’s Stonechat Phoenicurus auroreus
  36. Grey Bush Chat Saxicola ferreus
  37. Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius
  38. White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea
  39. Grey Thrush Turdus cardis
  40. Blackbird Turdus merula
  41. Brown-headed Thrush Turdus chrysolaus
  42. Pale Thrush Turdus pallidus
  43. Dusky Thrush Turdus eunomus
  44. Korean Bush Warbler Horornis diphone
  45. Japanese Bush Warbler Horornis borealis
  46. Asian Stubtail Urosphena squameiceps
  47. Radde’s Warbler Phylloscopus schwarzi
  48. Eastern Crowned Willow Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus
  49. Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris
  50. Narcissus Flycatcher Ficedula narcissina
  51. Blue-and-White Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana
  52. Eastern Great Tit Parus minor
  53. Varied Tit Sittiparus varius
  54. Japanese White-eye Zosterops japonicus
  55. Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla
  56. Yellow-browed Bunting Emberiza chrysophrys
  57. Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica personata
  58. Yellow-throated Bunting Emberiza elegans
  59. Black-faced Bunting Emberiza spodocephala
  60. Brambling Coelebs montifringilla
  61. Oriental Greenfinch Chloris sinica
  62. Eurasian Siskin Spinus spinus
  63. White-cheeked Starling Spodiopsar cineraceus

Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni, © Jang Ji-Ung

Narcissus Flycatcher Ficedula narcissina, © Jang Ji-Ung

Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana, © Jang Ji-Ung

Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus, © Jang Ji-Ung

Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola, © Jang Ji-Ung

Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla, © Jang Ji-Ung

Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris, © Jang Ji-Ung

White Wagtail Motacilla alba, © Jang Ji-Ung

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