Author Archives: Nial Moores

It’s official: Designation of the Yeoncheon Imjin River Flyway Network Site

Dr Nial Moores, National Director, Birds Korea.

We are happy to share that the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) formally designated the Yeoncheon Imjin River as Flyway Network Site “EAAF156” on October 11th this year.

As stated by the EAAFP Secretariat in their online announcement on October 22nd 2024, the Yeoncheon Imjin River FNS has, “exceptional international significance in conserving migratory waterbirds”.

The Yeoncheon Imjin River Flyway Network Site, with the boundary highlighted in blue. The Flyway Network Site contains all of the key foraging and roosting areas used by cranes along the Imjin River in Yeoncheon; most of the key river stretches used by Scaly-sided Mergansers; most of the rice-fields used by foraging geese and by Suwon Treefrogs; and areas that we consider to be the most suitable target sites for floodplain restoration (of course, only if landowners agree and funding can be found).

Bird data used for this important designation were collected first by Birds Korea Yeoncheon Director Baek Seung-Kwang (who has conducted counts of Red-crowned and White-naped Cranes between December and February every year for the past 20 years or so – through often brutally severely cold winters). Since 2021, contracts from Yeoncheon County to Birds Korea then enabled us to conduct additional surveys of species in the Yeoncheon Imjin River Biosphere Reserve, including frequent counts of globally Endangered Scaly-sided Mergansers and internationally important concentrations of geese. In turn, this research was then used to target conservation actions, including setting up screening to reduce disturbance and the proposed restoration of 40ha of riverine wetland near Jeongok (in the southeast of the FNS), while also helping to promote conservation tourism to the county.

One of the outstanding stars of the Yeoncheon Imjin River FNS: the gorgeous Scaly-sided Merganser 호사비오리 © Kim Eojin.

Our sincere thanks once more to Yeoncheon County, especially Mayor Kim Deog Hyun and staff within the Tourism Department, for funding this vital research and for proposing the Flyway Network Site.

Yeoncheon County Mayor Kim Deog Hyun addressing the international symposium on Scaly-sided Merganser, November 2023, Yeoncheon.
Collaborating for conservation: from left to right, Birds Korea National Director Nial Moores, Yeoncheon Director Baek Seung-Kwang, Yeoncheon Birds Korea Lee Su-Young; Yeoncheon County’s Dr Yoo Miyeon; and the EAAFP Secretariat Chief Executive Jennifer George. August 2023, EAAFP Secretariat office, Incheon.

BirdLife Asia statement on the proposed Saemangeum New Airport: August 2024

Translation below by Dr Kim Nahee: 대한민국 새만금신공항 건설 계획 및 그로 인해 철새 종과 습지에 미치는 영향에 대한 버드라이프의 입장 버드라이프 인터내셔널(BirdLife International)은 119개국 123개 보존활동 기관의 협력단체입니다. 버드라이프는 2021년 1단계 세계유산 등재를 포함하여 ‘Getbol, Korean Tidal Flat’이란 유네스코 … read more

‘새와 생명의 터’ 인턴으로 경험한 흰목물떼새 조사

글: 박신영 (새와 생명의 터 인턴십 2024년 3월~6월) 조지아대학 박사과정 중 안녕하세요. 저는 조지아대학교의 보전생물학 박사과정 학생이자 새와 생명의 터의 인턴으로 연구에 참여한 박신영입니다. 연구를 통해 현실의 보전 문제에 기여하고자 하는 새와 생명의 터의 관점이 연구자로서 저의 역할과 맞닿아 있는 … read more