Monthly Archives: July 2013

More Shorebirds at Songdo

Bird News from Spike Millington 28 July

Checked the Gojan mudflats at high tide on a wet and windy day, but the water was up to the wall, leaving no roosting areas for shorebirds. So I checked the University area, which is no longer tidal due to ongoing reclamation. There were quite a few shorebirds, including 200 Eastern Curlew and 160 Eastern Oystercatchers. The visibility was poor though, so I went again in the late afternoon. Still grey and overcast (what is with all this crappy weather!) but counted 250 Black-tailed Godwits, 200 Dunlin, 200 Red-necked Stints, 150 Great Knots, with 8 Red Knots, my first for Songdo. Nearly all these birds were adults and mostly still in summer plumage. Does this mean a poor breeding season, or is it the normal start of return passage? Quite a few Terek Sandpipers and Greenshanks were scattered in amongst these birds. There weren’t any Curlews though, so these birds must have been feeding elsewhere.

Igidae, July 24

Bird News from Nial Moores In rather hot (30C), humid and hazy conditions, a quick late afternoon trip out to Igidae. This was both to look for early signs of autumn and also to test out my new “long-loan” scope: … read more

홈페이지에 번역본, ‘뻐꾸기에 대해서…’가 게시되었습니다.

무어스 박사님께서 작성하시고 6월 6일 홈페이지에 게시된 “Going cuckoo…”의 번역본이 새로이 게시되었습니다. 6월 17일에 수정된 부분까지 포함하고 있으며, 의문만이 더해져 가고있는 이 특이한 개체들에 대해서 더 많은 정보들을 들을수 있기를 기대해봅니다. 번역본 링크 : read more

광주에서 새와 생명의 터를 만나요!

광주에서 새와 생명의 터를 만나요! 지난 6월 22일 나일 무어스박사님은 비영리단체인 광주국제교류센터가 주최한 GIC Talk에서 “투명한 연결고리”라는 주제로 강연을 하였습니다. 이 자리에는 광주광역시와 전라남도에 살고 있는 시민 및 전남지역 거주 외국인 오십 여명이 청중으로 참석하였습니다. 차분하고 진지한 강연과 열띤 질의응답 … read more

WWT: ‘Headstarted’ Spoon-billed Sandpipers hatch

15 Jul 2013 by Saving the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Twenty critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper chicks have hatched under WWT’s expert care in the Russian Far East. Please read more here: RSPB’s Head of International Species Recovery Team, Dr Rob Sheldon … read more